International Office

Enhancing quality through fostering international collaborations


International Office

The International Office (IO for short) was upgraded in year 2013 from the International Liaison Office (ILO) which was established earlier in year 2007. The office’s new mandate includes exploration and establishment of international collaboration and partnerships with international universities, research centers and organizations around the globe. Moreover, IOs aims include facilitation of students, faculty and staff in availing international opportunities and exposure to international best practices. Likewise, IO today relentlessly strives for a holistic internationalization of all operations of the university, to truly harness internationalization and international collaboration for uplift of the quality of education, research and outreach.

The International Office focuses on all core issues of internationalization including partnerships and linkages, foreign student, foreign faculty, international mobilities and internationalization services...

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Students selected on semester mobility to Middle East Technical University, Turkiye (METU) and Ajman University(UAE) for semester exchange



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Islamabad, Pakistan