• Wednesday, February 26, 2020

  • CUI

  • Shama Munir

The event "ABHI KASHMIR BAKI HAI" was organized by CUI Wah students in support of the right of self-determination of the people of Jammu and Kashmir and to uncover atrocities of Indian forces in the valley. The students through speeches, play on “Unity; Need of the Hour” and documentary portrayed that how important for us to get united and stand for the right of self-determination for the people of Jammu and Kashmir.

The event aimed to uncover the atrocities and unending trials of torture on defenceless Kashmiris. The whole activity presented the blunt unfolded role of the international community in resolving Kashmir issue. The large number of students and faculty members attended the event. Attendees also expressed their solidarity with the Kashmiris and supported their just cause of self-determination. 

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