Message from the Head of Department
Welcome to the Department of Mathematics, CUI Attock Campus.
Mathematics is one the most advanced and well developed discipline of basic sciences which is making great contribution in many diverse fields like computer sciences, engineering, medicine, economics, management and social sciences as well. Studying mathematics is useful in enhancing the ability of reasoning, analysis and logical skills and ultimately opens the door to a plenty of opportunities.
The Department of Mathematics plays vital role in addressing the issues and challenges in the field of science and technology. The Department makes a significant part in all the leading aspects of the academic enterprise: Teaching undergraduate and graduate education, research projects, publications and collaborations.
As a part of its mission, the Department of Mathematics shall continue to strive to be the centre of excellence both in teaching as well as in research.
Dr. Asif Waheed
Tenured Associate Professor,
Head, Department of Mathematics,
COMSATS University Islamabad, Attock Campus