Message from HoD

Amna Hashmi


“To design is much more than simply to assemble, to order, or even to edit: it is to add value and meaning, to illuminate, to simplify, to clarify, to modify, to dignify, to dramatize, to persuade, and perhaps even to amuse.”

These words by Paul Rand might be the best in summing up what we try to achieve here at the Department of Art & Design – to communicate, to motivate, to make a difference, while all at the same time not forgetting to enjoy life. It is with that mindset, I see the current batch of FA18 step forth with their final research and take the leap into professional life.

As the 10th graduating class of the Bachelor of Design program stands forth to present their thesis defense this year, I look back at the achievements of these students with great pride. The Bachelor of Design program, at COMSATS University Islamabad has come long and far since its inception, purely on the virtues and strengths of the teachers who have contributed into creating this space into what it is, and the students who have defined the department’s aesthetic and direction through their works, year after year, leaving behind their legacy for those who will follow after them.

And it is to that very legacy this current graduating batch shall contribute to, not only with these works that they stand forth to present as their thesis – a cumulation of four years of learning defined in the form of their final research – but also in the paths they shall take after. As we slowly emerge from the restrictive shell that the COVID-19 pandemic had left us paralyzed within, the works produced by the students reflect the mindset of the conscious designer who seeks to provide solutions to the community they live in – from wielding their skillsets to provide solutions that calm and soothe those whose sufferings may still exist but are not visible, to creations that delight and amuse; from works that educate to works that call for action.

This year’s thesis is dedicated not only to the 31 who stand forth with their final projects, but to also Mr. Yawar Abbas Zaidi, who gave it his all to establish the Bachelor of Design program with his single-minded dedication. While he may have left us and passed on to other better spaces, the legacy he has left behind can still be seen not only in the works being presented today, but also through the works of those who have long graduated, and now return to give back to the Department. It is a gift that keeps giving and shall not be forgotten.

Amna Hashmi
Head of the Department,
Faculty of Art & Design.
COMSATS University Islamabad.