The VC Forum (VCF) of the Islamic World Universities (IWU) has started a journal that will publish contributions from the leaders and academics/professionals/practitioners of the participating universities at the of the VC Forum event.
The VC Forum (VCF) Journal provides a platform to leaders to share their reflections about leadership and academics/professionals/practitioners of their universities to share their views on the current state of education in their country while examining educational developments and institutional strengths in the universities in their region and highlighting their contribution to higher education OR to send articles on the main functions of the university and the dynamic role of the university in society; higher education topics that are of current interest and relevance to the VC Forum theme.
The journal will offer a range of insightful articles organized in two sections as follows:
Part I. Exclusive Features:
Reflections of the leading luminaries about leadership
Part II. Inclusive Features:
Practitioners and professionals of the participating universities may select from a or b given below:
- a. Inclusive (Main) Features: Views of the participating universities on the current state of education in their country while examining educational developments and institutional strengths in the universities in their region and highlighting their contribution to higher education
b. Inclusive (Special) Features: Insights of practitioners and professionals on main functions of the university and the dynamic role of the university in society; higher education topics that are of current interest and relevance to the VC Forum theme.
Note: The leaders of universities in the Islamic world are invited to contribute in the Exclusive Features of Part I, and academics, practitioners and professionals of their university to contribute in the Main Features ORSpecial Features of Part II.