Information for Participants

  • Venue of Forum:
    The Forum will be held in Serena Hotel, Khayaban-e-Suhrawardy, Islamabad, Pakistan.

  • Opening and Closing of Forum
    The Forum will open at 0900 hrs on February 23, 2015. You need to make your travel plan so that you may arrive before the opening of the Forum. The Forum will close at 1700 hrs on February 24, 2015.

  • Registration of Participants
    The registration desk of the Forum will open at 0800 hrs on February 23, 2015. The Identification cards will be prepared and handed to the participants upon registration. If you face any problem, please contact the forum organizers on the registration desk.

    Admission in the Forum requires, at all times, wearing of identification cards. If you lose the card, please identify immediately to the registration desk.

  • Programme of Forum
    The program of the Forum is available on the website at The hard copy of the program is also available on the registration desk.

  • Seating Arrangements
    Seating arrangements may vary from session to session. The organizers will assist you regarding any specific seating arrangement during the session.

  • Language of the Conference
    English is the official languages of the Forum. However, interpretation arrangements are provided during the Forum to translate the proceedings of the Forum in Arabic and French languages. The headphones are available on request. Please contact registration desk for further assistance and issuance of headphones.

    All official documents of the Forum including its website are available in English, Arabic and French languages.

  • Travel Arrangements
    Each participant is support to arrange for his/ her travel. It is expected that you arrive on the best possible date before the opening of the Forum. Each participant will notify the conference organization (email at about his/ her travel plan before departing his/ her country.

  • Reception on arrival at Benazir Bhotto International Airport, Islamabad
    All Participants will be welcomed by the information desk of the Forum at the Rawal Lounge of Benazir International Airport, Islamabad, Pakistan. The participant will be further guided about taking to the hotel including assistance for immigration, customs, baggage, handling, currency exchange, etc.

  • Visas
    All participants are required to take visa permissions to enter in Pakistan. Necessary visa facilitation letter for the issuance of visa can be requested by writing email to The participants are expected to contact the Embassy of Pakistan in their country.

  • Transportation
    The reception desk at the airport will provide you transport to hotel. Alternatively, please avail free transport of Serena Hotel to commute to the accommodation arrangements at Serena hotel.

  • Accommodation
    The accommodation for participants is arranged in Serena Hotel, Islamabad. Please confirm your travel plan by writing email at so that arrangements for accommodation are made accordingly. If you face any problem in accommodation, please contact front desk of the Forum in the Hotel.

    The organizers of the Forum will pay for the accommodation and food of the participants from February 23, 2015 to February 24, 2015. The accommodation availed before or after the date referred above will be paid by the participant.

    We appreciate you traveling with spouse with prior intimation to the organizers.

  • Electricity
    The standard electricity in Pakistan is 220 volts. It is advisable to bring conversion plugs or adapters, if needed.

  • Climate
    The warm Weatherly days 30oC to 35oC is expected during the event days with rain in intervals along with humidity.

  • Services Available at the Forum
    The details of services participants can enjoy during their stay at Serena Hotel are provided at

    The food and tea will be served during the forum days.

  • Important Phone Numbers:
    Mr. Tahir Naeem Ph. +92-3218542782
    Mr. Aamir Yousufzai Ph. +92-3005005561
    Mr. Ali Tawab Baloch Ph. +92-3075556663
    VC Forum 2015 Official Email


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