An International Webinar on January 26, 2021, on “Air pollution, Climate Change
and Their Impacts on Mountain Water Resources”, organized by the Department
of Environmental Sciences, COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Abbottabad
Worthy Rector (CUI) Prof. Dr. Muhammad T. Afzal was the chief guest of the
event. The moderators presented warming or cooling effects of climate changes
on Agriculture and Industry. It was addressed that Water Cycle and many aspects
of the economy, environment, and society depend upon water resources. The
changes made in the hydrological resources its impact on environment, economic
development and social well-being. The dynamics of mountainous water
resources of Himalayan region on climate change was discussed.
Associate Professor, Dr. Alireza Noorpoor from Graduate Faculty of Environment,
University of Tehran, Iran, Associate Professor, Dr. Lekhendra Tripathee from
state Key Laboratory of Cryospheric Science, Northwest Institute of Eco-
Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, Gansu
(China), HoD Institute of Environmental Sciences and Engineering (IESE), Prof. Dr.
Fahim Khokhar from NUST, Islamabad, Pakistan, Deputy Director, Dr. Furrukh
Bashir from National Weather Forecasting Centre Pakistan Meteorological
Department, Islamabad, Pakistan were the speakers of the event.
UNESCO Water Chair on Knowledge Systems for IWRM, Prof. Dr. Muhammad
Abid and Lecturer, Summera Fahmi from Department of Civil Engineering as key
member of UWC attended webinar.