Following is the list of Research Groups of our department

Groups Detail
Geometric Function Theory

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Linear and Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, and Digital Image Processing

There are three main axis of this research group: • Analysis of Linear/Nonlinear Ordinary/Partial Differential Equations • Inverse Problems Related to Parabolic Equations • Digital Image Processing, Partial Differential Equations Approach more details..
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Numerical Analysis and Optimization

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We are working to discretize some continuous distributions and finding their properties including, skewness, kurtosis, unimodality, log-concavity, infinite divisibility etc more details..
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Topology and Analysis

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Wave Propagation & MHD

Group is investigating the effects of heat, Magnetic field, gravitational and their combine effects on a rotating and non rotating mediums. Propagation of waves is investigated by different kind of techniques. more details..
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