Meteorology and Remote Sensing Labs
The Meteorology and Remote Sensing Labs are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment’s, instruments, computers and relevant software’s capable of performing atmospheric modelling, geospatial analysis, statistical analysis, image processing and visualization. Following software’s are installed in our computer systems;
- Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) Software
- R Statistical Software
- ERDAS Imagine
- ArcGIS
Meteorology and Remote Sensing Labs are equipped with following state of the art equipment’s;
- Automatic Weather System (AWS)
- High performance simulation system (Dell R930)
- Air Quality Monitoring System (HIM-6000)
- MerPAS (Passive Sampler) (To monitor atmospheric gaseous mercury)
- PUF based Passive Air Samplers (PUF-PAS) (To monitor gaseous phase organic pollutants in the ambient air)
- Passive Air Sampler (Dry Deposition) (To monitor particulate phase organic pollutants in the atmosphere)
- High volume active air sampler (HV-AAS) (To monitor PM5/PM10)
Automatic Weather Station (AWS)
A complete communication and data monitoring solution, including sensor, electronics, mast, and power supply. We collect accurate and reliable weather datasets of different weather parameters.
- WMO-compliant sensors for validated data
- Easy remote monitoring of network status via optional NM10 software
- Remote configuration management
- Long calibration intervals
- Fast delivery for preconfigured systems
Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Instruments HIM-6000 (Hazardous Incident Monitor)
This equipment was acquired under the HEC, NRPU project entitled “Mesoscale Modeling for Improving Weather Prediction in Pakistan”. The Air Quality Monitoring system is successfully installed at the Meteorological observatory, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad Campus. In addition, this is equipped with various sophisticated sensors. This is a very good equipment for collecting the air quality data of different aerosols particles.
The Atmospheric Constituents Monitoring System (HAZ-SCANNAR Model HIM-6000) was successfully installed at the Meteorological Observatory, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad Campus.
Computing Facilities
Department of Meteorology has sophisticated central instructional computing facilities, which include state-of-the-art computers connected over a network to our labs and offices. Our computer systems are interconnected via a high-speed, Ethernet network. They offer a wide array of software including the latest packages for Climate Modelling, Remote Sensing research, word processing, desktop publishing, and other applications.
High Performance Computing System
This machine was acquired under the PSF/NSFC joint research project entitled “The Mechanism and Prediction of the Torrential Rainfall over the West China and Northern Pakistan”. This computing system is successfully installed at Data Center, COMSATS University Islamabad. It can handle heavy simulations and computations. It can handle the codes with shared memory architecture as well as the parallel memory. Machine can be run by both OS, i.e., server enterprise Linux and Windows server 2012. The machine can be remotely accessed and used. It can easily compute meteorological and geophysical simulations and numerical solutions. Machine is ideal for cloud computing in scientific problems.

The Department of Meteorology maintains an automatic 'MEADE 8 inch LX200-ACP telescope to monitor astronomical events and night time observations. These instruments offer a range of applications for researchers and amateur astronomers. Regular moon sighting events are arranged at CUI campus for the students, faculty and public.