Going Global Partnerships has launched its third round of Gender Equality Partnerships grants. The grants support higher and further education institutions and sector bodies in the UK and 11 other countries (Brazil, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kenya, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, South Africa, Ukraine and Viet Nam) to build partnerships and enable systemic change in priority themes relating to gender equality.
Priority Themes
The Gender Equality Partnerships aims to build partnerships and systemic change in the priority themes detailed below:
Prevention of violence against women and girls with a particular focus on higher and further education institutions as safe spaces for women
Addressing women’s underrepresentation in higher and further education leadership
Enabling access and tackling subject segregation, particularly in the area of STEM (including encouraging STEM-related learning).
Strengthening pathways into employment for women graduates from further and higher education.
Core Areas
They help to strengthen higher education and TVET in five core areas:
- Enabling research – supporting research, knowledge and innovation collaborations to address local and global challenges and promote inclusive growth.
- Internationalising higher education and TVET – supporting systems, institutions and individuals to benefit from internationalisation, including enabling transnational education and system alignment.
- Strengthening systems and institutions – improving the quality and efficiency of higher education and TVET institutions and systems.
- Enhancing learner outcomes – addressing the qualities of the global graduate, including soft skills, employability and community outcomes.
- Increasing equality, diversity and inclusion – making higher education and TVET more accessible, equitable and accountable.
Objectives and Outcomes
Funding Information
- An anticipated 11 joint projects will be funded, each with a value of £20,000 to £25,000 for a 12-month project period.
- Ten of the project grants are open to institutions from England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. One further project grant is available for Welsh institutions only.
How to apply
Download the application guidance, application form and budget template from weblink provided below and Submit completed application, additional documents and budget template via email to: goingglobalpartnerships@britishcouncil.org
Mr. Ashfaq and Ms. Samira,
Please upload the same at IO Webage, Facebook and Twitter. Thanks.
N.B: IO Focal Persons are requested please dissemiante the same among the faculty mebers of your Campus with the reqeust to keep International Office in loop while applying. This will enable us to pursue the proposal with the British Council. Thanks.