Pre- Service Trainings (PST)


  • To inculcate a spirit of ownership and pride among the faculty members associating themselves with CUI.
  • To help new faculty of CUI for their personal, social and institutional adjustment.
  • To arouse the will and skills to adapt to the operational system of CUI and set higher academic goals for their respective institutions/ campuses.

Module: 1- Pedagogy

  • To enhance and promote prospective teachers’ repertoire to become effective and reflective practitioners both in learning and teaching processes.
  • To supply the necessary tools to faculty for maximizing student-centered learning
  • To equip faculty with latest assessment techniques to gauge the outcomes of their endeavors.

Module: 2 - Micro-teaching

The purpose of this activity is to:

  • Help trainees manifest level of their learning through demonstration.
  • Go through first-hand experience by modeling their understanding regarding students’ needs, differences and abilities; and
  • Plan and present material consistent with desirable teaching strategies and principles of classroom management.

Module: 3 - Capacity Building

The purpose is to:

  • Empower the trainees with ‘Will & Skills’ to initiate, manage, undertake and organize endeavors;
  • Educate them to employ their capacities to realize and accomplish their potential, build self-confidence and lead lives of dignity and self-fulfillment; and
  • Help them understand that their individual capacity will not only help them flourish but also facilitate their institution to grow further; and
  • Develop tools and techniques for leadership roles in the classroom and team work for other settings as well.

Module: 4 -Mentoring

  • To assist and empower the faculty in their new teaching assignment.
  • To help them develop their own skills, strategies and capabilities to overcome future challenges more effectively.

Module: 5 -Research Methodology

  • To enable teachers employ their curiosity and discover new frontiers of knowledge on authentic bases.
  • To help them sharpen their inquisitiveness, share their findings with their students and set new targets for promoting research.
  • To help increase the number of research publications of respective universities.

Module: 6 - General Knowledge & Current Affairs

  • To equip the faculty with a versatile repertoire for effectively managing the classroom environment through diverse knowledge, and establishing themselves according to global standards.
  • To boost their self-esteem and morale to cope with challenges in their personal & professional life.

Module: 7 -Group Discussions

  • To create a learning environment that encourages learners to exercise self-discipline and resolve conflicts through reasoned arguments;
  • To manage and facilitate discussion and keep it focused on outcomes; and
  • To inculcate will and open-mindedness among the participants to listen to reason and abide by rules that promote exchange of ideas.

Module: 8 - Co-curricular activities

  • To create bondage amongst the participants of different campuses and a sense of esprit-de-corps.
  • To enable the participants gain first-hand experience of meeting dignitaries and visit important offices for general awareness and confidence building.
  • To educate the participants by visiting places of national/historic significance.
  • To equip them with confidence, self-esteem, proficiency and social skills.


Faculty Block-II,
405- 4th Floor, COMSATS University Islamabad, Park Road, Chakshahzad


Email: fda@comsats.edu.pk
Phone: +92-51-90495037