Ali Tawab

“As leaders, we must never underestimate the value of reminding others that we believe in them” - John C. Maxwell

Welcome and thank you for visiting the website of Faculty Development Academy (FDA) of COMSATS University Islamabad.  As I took on this role, I tried to focus on my personal journey that guides my values, research, and teaching, and ultimately my vision for FDA.

The Faculty Development Program (FDP) was established in 2004 and upgraded into Faculty Development Academy (FDA) in 2011. The FDA recognizes the need to prepare future educators for a rapidly changing classroom environment. FDA has been a leader in providing a vibrant resource to promote quality teaching methodologies and help teachers become catalyst of change in our society for more than a decade. FDA builds training programs for practicing professionals as well as students, for preparing them to make a difference in the world.

I look forward to strengthen our programs by providing considerable knowledge and technical expertise to professionals who are eager to boost their context-specific knowledge, or develop new areas of expertise.

As you explore our website, you will have a chance to learn more about our professional courses. We offer programs that strengthen the leadership capacity of individuals and their organizations. I hope you will find our site a useful. You will  distinguish yourself with new knowledge and skills to make a powerful impact on your organization—and your career.

FDA is working on the motto of “Enabling Decisions for Tomorrow.

Mr. Ali Tawab Baloch
In charge FDA


Faculty Block-II,
405- 4th Floor, COMSATS University Islamabad, Park Road, Chakshahzad


Phone: +92-51-90495037