About Us

What we are?

China study Center was established in 2013 at CUI .The CSC has been envisaged as a focal point for all China related activities at the CUI including those pertaining to the educational, scientific, technological, business and cultural domains.

The Center strives to promote joint research and seeks broad based collaboration with Pakistan Study centers and other relevant institutions and Universities in China.

It aims to maximize placement of Pakistani scholars in institutes of higher learning in China and seeks to promote students and people to people contacts between Pakistan and China.

On the other hand the China Study Center is also taking up the task of portraying and promoting the true Pakistani image to the Chinese people.

Vision of CSC

To promote China as the most significant geopolitical and economic partner of Pakistan.

Mission of CSC

To develop an understanding and appreciation of socio-cultural and economic intricacies pertaining to the People’s Republic of China.