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CUI Wah Campus Team Attended Training And Meeting In University Of Lorraine, France

The SAFE-Rural-Health program is Erasmus + funded Project aims to apply innovative and cutting-edge technologies to address the challenging issues around application and adoption of Remote Health Monitoring in Pakistan. SAFE-RH is a combined project of five partner universities including the University of the West of Scotland (UWS), Université de Lorraine, France, Capital University of Science & Technology (CUST), Islamabad, Pakistan, COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Wah Campus, Pakistan, the Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.

Under the umbrella of Faculty and Student Mobility Program, SAFE-RH Faculty team from CUI Wah Campus consists of Prof. Dr. Ehsan Ullah Munir, Dr. Tassawar Iqbal, Dr. Saima Gulzar Ahmed, and Dr. Kashif Ayyub, and SAFE-RH Student team consisting of Mr. Ahmad Hassan (MS-CS), Muhammad Ali Arif (BS-CS) from Department of Computer Science, CUI Wah Campus attended Training and Project Meeting at University of Lorraine, France from November 11-20, 2023.

Prof. Dr. Ehsan Ullah Munir presented progress of CUI Wah Campus team on respective Pilot. He further highlighted current achievement, challenges and future plans about Maternal and Fetus pilots of SAFE-RH. Dr. Saima Gulzar Ahmed along with students demonstrated Belt for Fetus Health Monitoring developed by CUI Wah Campus team.

Dr. Kashif Ayyub presented Mobile Application developed for SAFE-RH Project, and Dr. Tassawar Iqbal presented progress with respect to deliverables, and milestones mitigated. All the partners appreciated the achievements of CUI Wah Campus Team.    

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