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ExcITe 2023

A group of 23 students from the Department of Computer Science participated in ExcITe Cup 2023 organized by Capital University of Science and Technology (CUST), Islamabad on May 27, 2023. The students got runner-up positions in quiz competitions and 1st & 3rd in table tennis. The students participated in the following competitions:

03 participants in Programming Competition

02 teams of 3 members participated in Quiz Competition

04 students participated in Table Tennis

02 in e-gaming (Taken & FIFA)

03 (3+3+2) teams participated in Project Display

The team consisting of Mr. Osman Javed, Mr. Muhammad Ammad Ismail, and Mr. Taha Asghar participated in a quiz competition and secured runner-up prizes. Mr. Muhammad Ali Nawaz Malik secured the top position and Mr. Umair Ahmed 3rd position in the table tennis competition.

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