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Industrial Visit - National Incubation Center (NIC)

The Department of Computer Science arranged an industrial visit for Final Year undergraduate students to National Incubation Center (NIC), Islamabad on February 26, 2020 to hone and advance their skills in the areas of robotics, networking, web development and databases. The NIC is Pakistan’s state of the art award winning innovation hub working under public-private partnership with Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication (MoTT) to engage youth in taking initiatives of becoming a stakeholder. The students visited NIC work places, usability labs and meeting rooms to learn and understand the work going on in different demanding areas like deep learning, robotics, networking, web development and databases. At the end students had a very fruitful interactive question answer session with an expert of NIC team in which they discussed a number of incubated projects, their thoughts and ideas.

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