Dr. Farhana Jabeen
Dr. Farhana Jabeen

Head of the Department Message

Welcome to the Department of Computer Science at COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI). Department has world class faculty, successful alumni base, and it offers flexible degree program that have huge job market. Information and communication technologies pervade nearly all aspects of today's digital society and will continue in the decades ahead to be of critical importance to the nation's technological infrastructure.

With over 30 full-time PhD faculty, we provide a world-class research environment spanning not only the core areas of computer science - including networking, distributed computing, HCI, artificial intelligence, ambient intelligence and computer vision - but also highly interdisciplinary programs, such as biomedical informatics, data mining, security and privacy, and ubiquitous computing.

We strongly encourage innovation in research, teaching and service to the profession, the local community and industry. Our faculty and students are constantly striving to excel and to advance the state of the art in computer science. I invite you to be part of our efforts as we propel the Department of Computer Science to ever-greater heights.

Sincerely, and with best wishes,

Dr. Farhana Jabeen
Head, Department of Computer Science
CUI, Islamabad Campus