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  • Thursday, June 13, 2024

  • Business

  • International Office


I am directed to forward herewith the attached letter received from HEC through email (appended), same is submitted for perusal with the request to disseminate among the faculty members of your Campus. 

The letter refers to the 2025 edition of the subject prize which was initiated in 1998 and has since celebrated 132 laureates. This year, five exceptional laureates will receive an award of 100,000/- Euros in recognition of their scientific achievements. The categories for the awards are:
  • Physical Sciences, 
  • Mathematics and 
  • Computer Science,
Therefore, it is requested to encourage the faculty members to seize these networking opportunities with no cost to CUI. Thank you for your assistance in ensuring that the relevant faculty members are aware of this opportunity. 

In this context, it is requested that suitable nominations along with all required documents (Hard Copies 02 sets + soft copy to the undersigned) may please be submitted to this office till 25 June 2024 through the Director of the concerned Campus for further processing and onward submission to Pakistan National Commission for UNESCO (PNCU), Islamabad for consideration.

  • Friday, September 15, 2023

  • CUI

  • SSBC

SSBC/BIC arranged Shell Tameer Award 2023, session was held on 8th Sep, 2023, at BIC ground floor hall. The session was attended by idea stage startups, wherein they obtained information how to apply and win Shell Tameer Award funding. 

Click here for pictures

  • Friday, August 25, 2023

  • Business

  • International Office

The attachment is about the APO Regional Award aims to recognition to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the cause of increasing productivity and thereby to give further impetus to the promotion of the productivity movement throughout the region, both from the public and private sectors and from profit and not-for-profit organizations. 
The awardee shall receive a gold medal, monetary prize of USD 3,000/-, Certificate co-signed by the Chairman of the APO Governing Body and the APO Secretary-General.
individuals who have made outstanding contributions, with significant impact or achievements in the Asia-Pacific
region, in any one or more of the following categories shall be eligible for nomination:
a) Policy, strategic thinking, leadership, and management: Excellence in policy formulation and strategic thinking, or leadership and management, which enables new, innovative ideas for productivity improvernent, leading to enhanced, sustainable productivity movements, institution building, and institutional cooperation for improving productivity in the region.
b) Methodology, tools, and techniques: Development of new, innovative methodology, tools. and techniques for increasing productivity in the reglon thror-rgh onsite activities or through research, publications, and disseminating ski11s, knowledge, and ideas.
In this context, it is submitted that the nominations on prescribed application form (attached) along with all required documents may please be submitted to this office latest by Thursday i.e 31 August 2023 through the Director of concerned Campus for further processing and onward submission to Asian Productivity Organization, Islamabad. 

Please find attached files

  • Saturday, March 18, 2023

  • CUI

  • International Office


CUI International Student Mr. Adnan Hamidi, Studying Under  “Allama Muhammad Iqbal Scholarships for Afghan Students”  has won 2nd Prize  for Afghan Short Documentary Contest organized by Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan.