1. Title: Effects of Air Pollution on Performance and Attendance of School Children

Funding Agency / Organization: Interactive Group Pakistan

Principal Investigator: Dr. Muhammad Imran Shahzad

2. Title: The Mechanism and Prediction of the Torrential Rainfall over the West China and Northern Pakistan

Funding Agency / Organization: Pakistan Science Foundation

Principal Investigator: Dr. Kalim Ullah

3. Title: Investigation of selected Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and heavy metals pollution from E-waste processing facilities

Funding Agency / Organization: PSF/TUBITAK (Pakistan & Turkey)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Jabir Hussain Syed

4. Title: Monitoring of Surface Level PM2.5 and AOD in Rawalpindi/Islamabad, Pakistan

Funding Agency / Organization: Atmosphere Sub-Center of Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (SCAS-CERN)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Muhammad Imran Shahzad

5. Title: Mesoscale Modeling for Improving Weather Prediction in Pakistan

Funding Agency / Organization: Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

Principal Investigator: Dr. Kalim Ullah

6. Title: Establishment of Atmospheric LIDAR System (ALS) station to monitor urban air quality in Pakistan

Funding Agency / Organization: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Principal Investigator: Dr. Muhammad Imran Shahzad

7. Title: Assessment of Socio Economic Impact of Coastal Erosion and Coastal Oceanography along Pasni Fish Harbor and Shadi Kaur Area, Pasni, Pakistan

Funding Agency / Organization: Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of Pakistan

Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Muhammad Imran Shahzad

8. Title: Remote Sensing of SMOG in Punjab, Pakistan

Funding Agency / Organization: Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO), United Nations (UN), Pakistan

Principal Investigator: Dr. Muhammad Imran Shahzad

9. Title: Assessment of CO2 emissions in Pakistan with mitigation options for transitioning towards low carbon development

Funding Agency / Organization: Foresight Lab, Islamabad, Pakistan

Principal Investigator: Dr. Muhammad Imran Shahzad