
Hadia Ali

Improving Communicative Relationship between Dogs and their Owners

Like humans, dogs communicate consciously and unconsciously, using a complex language of body and vocal signals that reflect what they are thinking and feeling. These signals communicate intent and ensure dogs' personal safety by affecting behavior in others. Understanding what dogs are saying as well as how they perceive the world will make it easier for you to understand their needs

To enhance your communication and relationship with your dogs, it is important to educate dog owners, about their dog’s unwanted natural or adopted behaviors and helping them to understand and train their dog better to strengthen their relationship with each other. By learning this all, one can effectively promote learning and guide your dogs into making choices that are more compatible with the world you share with them.

By exploring how to develop the strongest possible communication system with your dog based on his/her unique traits, characteristics and learning styles, my thesis will educate dog owners about the factors that affect dog-human relationship, which will gradually help them to understand how a successful relationship can be maintained with their dog, and how a less successful relationship can be transformed, considering the well being of both, the dog and the owner.
