
Vanasa Sohail


The topic that I’ll be working on is desire. A literal meaning of desire is a covet, crave, want, and wish a loop that we get stuck into for all of our lives. While all these words mean "to have a longing for”. Desire stresses the strength of feeling and often implies strong intention or aim. A desire is something that tests our patience that makes us stronger and makes us to have a control over our impulsiveness, on the contrary it can also be something completely different it can make us do, attempt or take such paths that does not leads to a good ending. Just to fulfill that void inside us, or it can also make us completely impulsive just to have that satisfaction to get something that we wish or have a longing for. My main aim is to reflect the negatives of desires the excessiveness, the piling up of ideas and wishes that we long for and the consumption of our hearts and minds. I want to show how our desires eats us from within and leads us to the path where we started, meaning, we spend our whole lives running after things we desire for, some of them may be unnecessary or a means of timely pleasure. Life is a literal representation of desire, without it we won’t have any direction or aim in life but, we also should learn to limit them and not go after the unnecessary and excessive things that could lead us to no good.