
Nida Zainab

Art Statement

My video art is representing sensory stimulation which is referring to a repetitive behaviour or action that individuals engage in, such as continuously pressing buttons on and off. This type of behaviour is often associated with sensory stimulation.

Sensory stimulation refers to the input that our senses receive from the environment, which can include various sensations like touch, sound, or visual cues. Some individuals find repetitive actions, such as pushing buttons or flipping switches, to be stimulating and satisfying on a sensory level. The physical act of pressing buttons can provide a tactile sensation and create a sense of control or satisfaction for these individuals.

When an artistic person engages in repetitive actions like pressing buttons, it can serve as a creative outlet or a form of artistic expression. The act of pushing buttons can be seen as a method of interacting with a medium or a tool, and the repetitive nature of the action can create a rhythmic and meditative experience.

The repetitive action of pressing buttons can be seen as a performance or an artistic gesture in itself. Artists often incorporate repetitive movements or actions as a form of expression or to convey a specific concept or idea. By engaging in this type of behaviour, an artist can communicate their artistic intent or provoke a response from the audience.

Ultimately, the sensory stimulation of pressing buttons for an artistic person goes beyond the simple act itself. It becomes a part of their creative process, a source of inspiration, and a means of artistic expression.