
Hazafa Asim

Threads of oblivion

The phase of Emptiness, conceptualized as a state of oblivion, can be explained as a sense of void where consciousness seems to be minimal or absent. In this state, the individual may experience a lack of sensation, awareness and thoughts, akin to being in a deep, dreamless sleep. There is no perception of time, self, or surroundings. This condition might be compared to a state of potentiality where the usual mental activities and sensory inputs are utterly suspended, resulting in stillness and silence of the mind. Almost everyone in their life have once experienced this feeling at some point in their lives. The times in their lives when they feel empty on the inside as well as in a way, they perceive the world around.

This phenomenon can arise in response to a misinterpretation between one's true self, impacts of modern living mostly due to technology advancement or overwhelming stress cultivates hollow connections and an endless pursuit of happiness, which contributes to feelings of emptiness and while it may provide temporary relief from intense emotions, it can also lead to feelings of disconnection and isolation. It reflects the basic concerns of existence that Dasein faces and can act as a spark for the pursuit of redefining your life and finding its meaning.