
Hareem Asghar

The Perception between Beautiful and Ugly

In my artistic exploration, I delve into the intricate connections between perception and beauty, drawing parallels between the symbolic significance of butterflies and moths and the diverse nature of human appearance.

My thesis unravels the complex blend of societal norms and personal experiences that shape our ideas of beauty and ugliness. Inspired by my own journey of self-discovery, where struggles with acne prompted deep reflection, I aim to highlight the innate beauty present in every individual, regardless of societal standards.

Through a careful blend of research and personal narrative, I challenge the tendency to judge based solely on appearance, urging viewers to seek genuine understanding beyond surface-level observations. Just as a caterpillar transforms into a stunning butterfly or a moth perseveres in the darkness, my work emphasizes the beauty that emerges from embracing imperfections and celebrating diversity.

By juxtaposing the vibrant colors of butterflies with the understated elegance of moths, I encourage contemplation on the intricate relationship between outward appearance and inner essence. Each brushstroke and every delicate wing serves as a poignant reminder that true beauty goes beyond superficial judgments, resonating deeply within the soul.

As I reveal the hidden narratives within every fluttering creature, my aim is to spark discussions that question assumptions and promote understanding and compassion. My artistic journey goes beyond surface appearances, serving as a deep reflection on the core of human experience—a testament to the profound impact of perception, resilience, and self-discovery.