
Areeba Naeem

Love, an art

Love is something that’s been studied for the longest time yet we know so little about it. To most, it’s a pleasant sensation, the experience of which is a matter of chance. For others love is present in every fragment of existence. Let’s look at it from the start of humanity. We are all aware of story of Adam and Eve. Eve took birth from ribs of Adam because human being couldn’t exist in isolation. Quran states:

“And we created you in pairs.” [78:8]

So Adam and Eve were made in pair. As they developed awareness of their difference from each other, they became strangers and this was the source of their shame, guilt and anxiety. What allowed them to overcome this feeling of difference was love.

Human beings have been in a state of isolation and have been seeking union ever since to overcome this feeling of loneliness. We wander around like some particles, some mere points, dots waiting for the thread of love to connect us to each other. The lines and curves created in process hold emotions that only our hearts can feel. Through use of lines and curves we can see and feel the depth of such emotions. Through my thesis I have tried to capture the essence of love hidden among the curves and creases that shape our life.