Message of Dean Faculty of Architecture and Design

Prof. Dr. Muhammad T. Afzal


The world after the Covid-19 pandemic has achieved a new normal. Technologies have diffused in our lives at an unprecedented scale and human life is enriched with gadgets and tools like never before in history. Human interaction has become pale in comparison to interaction with machines, therefore, principles of sustainability and environment friendliness are in limelight.

COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI) emphasizes incorporation of environment friendliness rooted in our history and culture as well as use of modern design elements promoting use of materials with a minimalistic carbon-footprint in its design concepts.

The Bachelor of Design thesis projects at the Department of Art and Design, CUI-Islamabad Campus integrates diversity, new perspectives, and in-depth research into the field of visual communication design. Four years of individual research and creative studio practice reflects in students’ hard work in their thesis projects.

In the last semester of their program, students work on a particular design narrative and bring it to life in a major field of design practice. We are proud to share the brilliant work of our students with you at this Degree Show.

Our efforts are focused on nurturing a professional approach in our students, keeping in view latest design practices of the industry. I invite you to explore this virtual exhibition of Bachelor of Design Degree Show 2022 and enjoy the remarkable achievements of our talented students.

We congratulate our young graduates and wish to see them lead the industry with their learning and creative thinking, to become responsible professionals in a competitive global industry.

We also look forward to receiving constructive feedback on their projects.

Prof. Dr. Muhammad T. Afzal
Dean, Faculty of Architecture & Design.
Rector, COMSATS University Islamabad