
Alizay Nadeem

Gul Zanbaq “Behind the Veil”

Throughout history, women have contributed to the development of social, cultural, and philosophical trends. However, women occupy a mere 0.5% of recorded history, even though they have made significant contributions in practically every field. Overshadowing women's contributions connotes a severe cycle of oppression, not to mention the fact that young girls are barred from learning from the accomplishments of other notable women.

Mughals ruled successfully for more than two hundred years, and they left us with many priceless treasures. Up to this day, we often hear about the contributions of Mughal men, but rarely hear about the contributions of Mughal women. Mughal women were indeed the epitome of knowledge. They were businesswomen, artists, builders, poets, architects, and writers. As patrons, Mughal women undoubtedly played a significant role in creating art and architecture. A solid body of information and groundbreaking insights has emerged in historical areas of the Mughal Empire. There are so many inspiring works by Mughal women, but they aren’t highlighted that much, so girls have very few female role models to aspire to. Girls don’t find it relatable when they look at things as a mass identity. If they start looking at the works of individuals, in this case, female individuals, then it will inspire them.

Gul Zanbaq is a project which highlights the remarkable Mughal women behind the veil and their contributions to the Mughal Empire, in the field of art and architecture specifically. Through the juxtaposition of contemporary and traditional art, while exploring feminine representation between the two. To show our girls there have been wonderful women in our history who have accomplished amazing things so that they can do the same. There will be a launch event for Gul Zanbaq. Information about female historical hidden treasures will be accessible through our website. On our website, there will be sets of packages. Each package will consist of an illustrated book on the contributions of Mughal women in detail and some art materials.
