Journal of Accounting and Finance Review (JAFR)

About the Journal

JAFR provides a central platform for accounting and finance researchers, faculty, and students to publish high-quality research work. JAFR aims to achieve quality publications with international standards, having academic ranking and practical contributions. It welcomes all kinds of emerging aspects in the field of management sciences. The idea is to fill the gap between theory and practice, opening new venues for decision-making and policymakers. The journal emphasizes the quality of research work and its applications to improve business practice.

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Journal of Accounting and Finance Review (JAFR)
Aims and Scope


Aims and Scope

The journal welcomes theoretical and evidence-based empirical studies focusing on accounting and finance research. The following topics are covered in the JAFR.

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Issue 2

  • CRM practices: A survey of banks and financial institutions

    Rameez Tariq, Abdul Rahman, Muhammad Arshad Khan

    pdf Accepted January 27, 2025, Published February 03, 2025 | DOI:

  • Engagement through gamification: The role of fintech in enhancing user motivation for achieving financial goals

    Sara Sarwar, Ammara Mubashar

    pdf Accepted January 27, 2025, Published February 03, 2025 | DOI:

  • COVID-19 and firm’s performance: A cross-economy comparison of developed, emerging, and underdeveloped markets

    Iram Naz, Syed Danial Hashmi, Syeda Maha Bukhari

    pdf Accepted: January 27, 2025, Published February 03, 2025 | DOI:

  • Assessing the impact of crowdfunding platforms on the investor’s intention in an emerging economy, and the mediating role of trusts

    Muhammad Abdullah Khan Agha, Muhammad Khalid Sohail

    pdf Accepted January 27, 2025, Published February 03, 2025 | DOI:

  • Nexus of economic diversification, institutional quality, and co2 emissions: Evidence from emerging economies

    Anum Rashid

    pdf Accepted January 27, 2025 Published February 03, 2025 | DOI:


Policy Guidelines

Plagiarism Statement

Among many responsibilities of publishers, it is of utmost importance to the author that the submitted work is original efforts and he/she should own it in all respect....

Peer Review

Peer review process is used to assess the quality of manuscript before publication. The submitted manuscripts are assessed, in terms of originality, validity and significance,...

Research Misconduct Policies

Manuscripts may be desk rejected (i.e. rejected without editorial review) for the following reasons:

Correction and Relevance Policy

Corrections of scientifically relevant errors in published manuscripts may be submitted for incorporation. Academic editors may be asked to evaluate any changes...

Conflict of Interest

Any personal or financial support which may cause conflict of interest or bias with any individual or organization must be disclosed...

Complaints Policy

Written complaints regarding publication misconduct on the part of any person including author, reader, writer, reviewer, editorial board may be sent to Chief Editor using Journal’s official email address...

Privacy Statement

The personal data shared with this journal including names, email addresses shall exclusively be used for the purposes stated in this journal and shall not be accessible for any person or party for any other purpose...

For Author

Publication Fee

There will be no charges or processing fees. Moreover, the authors are not expected to pay for the peer review process or production and printing of the accepted articles.

Publication Process

After the acceptance of the paper by the reviewers and the Editorial team, it is then forwarded to the production team for formatting and proofreading process. All proofs will be sent to the author for approval. It is of utmost importance to address all the concerns of the production team to avoid any issues at later stages of publication.

Copyright and Publishing Rights

Authors will have all the copywrites of the work and publishing rights. Replication, posting, transmission, or other distribution or use of the manuscript or any material therein, in any medium, as permitted, requires no attribution to the publisher.


Submission through portal

Login or register to submit your manuscript

Email submission

Email your manuscript at

Author guidelines

Authors should consider the following guidelines while submitting their manuscript.

Author/s Information

Author’s name and affiliation, along with their email address, should be written on the title page. Write the affiliation addresses below the name of each author.

Corresponding author

Provide the details of the corresponding author in case of multiple authors. The responsibility of the corresponding author includes answering any future queries about your research work. Ensure that the contact details and email address provided are up to date. A prompt response from the corresponding author will be much appreciated.

Format of the paper

APA style is recommended to be used as writing style.. Helping tools such as spell check or Grammarly are recommended to be used and documents should be checked thoroughly to avoid any errors. Document should be typed with double spaced with 1” margin on sides, page number in the left lower corner, line space should be 1.15 throughout the paper, and 12 pt font size in Times Roman font.

Please note that submitted manuscripts must not exceed more than 7,000 words including all references, tables, and figures.

An article might include the following main sections:


Title should be centered, bold, 14 pt font, Times New Roman.

Abstract & Keywords

Write a summary of the key points of your research. Abstract should cover the subject matter of the article, methodology, results, data analysis, and conclusion. You may also include possible implications of your research and future work. Your abstract should be between 150 and 250 words.

Keywords:  List your three to six keywords describing the key concepts of your work


Introduction should clearly state the objectives and problem statement and provide an adequate background on the subject matter. Details of the methods and techniques used in the paper should be described in detail.

Literature Review

It should cover all the relevant studies related to the topic of research. This section should describe the importance and motivation for this research. Generally, this section ends with the proposition of testable hypothesis(es).


Author should provide the detailed methodology used in the paper. 

Results & Discussion

Discuss the results clearly and concisely. Describe the significance of your research findings. Compare your findings with the previous studies and discuss their relevance with justifications.

Tables & Figures

Tables and figures should be placed in the main document after the paragraph in which they are first referenced. Figures and tables should be numbered sequentially, i.e.Figure 1, Figure 2 and Table 1 & Table 2).


Conclusion of your research should include the following three things:

    1. Research Implications
    2. Limitations
    3. Future Recommendations


At the end of the document, references should be provided alphabetically. Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa). Multiple references should be listed alphabetically in parentheses, separated by semicolons, e.g., (Jackson, 1996; Watson, 1986). If there is more than one reference to the same author in the same year, postscript the date with a, b, c, etc. (Sparrow, 1998a).

There are specific rules to follow when citing a research paper in APA. The following are the specific formats to follow:

  • Book: Author, A.A.. (Year of Publication). The Title of work. Publisher City, State: Publisher.
  • Magazine: Author, A.A.. (Year, a month of Publication). Article title. Magazine Title, Volume(Issue), pp.-pp.
  • Newspaper: Author, A.A.. (Year, Month, Date of Publication). Article title. Magazine Title, pp. xx-xx.
  • Website: Author, A.A.. (Year, Month, Date of Publication). Article title. Retrieved from URL

Publishing process

Call for paper is announced twice a year for the issue of spring and fall. For the issue of spring call for papers is announced in February, and for the issue of fall it’s in August.

After publication, the corresponding author will receive an e-mail with a link to see the published abstract on the website.