Research Papers By Author

Junaid Ali
Assistant Professor , Physics Department,
Islamabad Campus
Development of Reciprocating Inkjet System for Printed Electronic Devices.

International ,Conference ,Procedia CIRP ,2022
Junaid Ali
Assistant Professor , Physics Department,
Islamabad Campus
Reverse Offset Printed, Biocompatible Temperature Sensor Based on Dark Muscovado

International ,Journal ,Sensors ,2022
Junaid Ali
Assistant Professor , Physics Department,
Islamabad Campus
Role of Ag1+ substitutional defects on the electronic and optical properties of n-type CdS thin films semiconductor for sustainable and stable window layer in solar cells technology

International ,Journal ,Optical Materials ,2019
Junaid Ali
Assistant Professor , Physics Department,
Islamabad Campus
Printing an ITO-free flexible poly (4-vinylphenol) resistive switching device

International ,Journal ,Physica B: Condensed Matter ,2018
Junaid Ali
Assistant Professor , Physics Department,
Islamabad Campus
Wide range highly sensitive relative humidity sensor based on series combination of MoS2 and PEDOT:PSS sensors array

International ,Journal ,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical ,2018
Junaid Ali
Assistant Professor , Physics Department,
Islamabad Campus
Optical and electrical studies of CdS thin films with thickness variation

International ,Journal ,Optik ,2018
Junaid Ali
Assistant Professor , Physics Department,
Islamabad Campus
Printed graphene/WS2 battery-free wireless photosensor on papers

International ,Journal ,2D materials ,2020
Junaid Ali
Assistant Professor , Physics Department,
Islamabad Campus
Direct Synthesis of Graphene Quantum Dots from Multilayer Graphene Flakes through Grinding Assisted Co-Solvent Ultrasonication for All-Printed Resistive Switching Array

International ,Journal ,RSC Advances ,2015
Junaid Ali
Assistant Professor , Physics Department,
Islamabad Campus
Fabrication of Zinc Stannate Based All-Printed Resistive Switching Device

International ,Journal ,Materials Letters ,2015
Junaid Ali
Assistant Professor , Physics Department,
Islamabad Campus
Rapid fabrication of Al2O3 encapsulations for organic electronic devices

National ,Journal ,Applied Surface Science ,2015
Junaid Ali
Assistant Professor , Physics Department,
Islamabad Campus
Fabrication of graphene-Nanoflake/poly (4-vinylphenol) polymer nanocomposite thin film by electrohydrodynamic atomization and its application as flexible resistive switching device

International ,Journal ,Physica B: Condensed Matter ,2015
Junaid Ali
Assistant Professor , Physics Department,
Islamabad Campus
Fabrication of blue luminescent MoS2 quantum dots by wet grinding assisted co-solvent sonication

International ,Journal ,Journal of Luminescence ,2015
Junaid Ali
Assistant Professor , Physics Department,
Islamabad Campus
Exploring resistive switching in poly(4-vinylphenol)–graphene nano-composite films

International ,Journal ,Japanese Journal of Applied Physics ,2015
Junaid Ali
Assistant Professor , Physics Department,
Islamabad Campus

International ,Journal ,international journal of nanoscience ,2010
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