Research Papers By Author

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 48 items in 4 pages
Fawad zaman
Tenured Associate Professor , Electrical Engineering Department,
Islamabad Campus
Meta-heuristic computing knacks for target angle estimation in monostatic radar system with coprime arrays

International ,Journal ,Elsevier ,2024
Fawad zaman
Tenured Associate Professor , Electrical Engineering Department,
Islamabad Campus
A Novel FDA-MIMO Deceptive Jamming Method For Neutralizing Phase Array Radar

International ,Journal ,IEEE ,2023
Fawad zaman
Tenured Associate Professor , Electrical Engineering Department,
Islamabad Campus
Amplitude and direction of arrival estimation using differential evolution,

International ,Conference ,IEEE ,
Fawad zaman
Tenured Associate Professor , Electrical Engineering Department,
Islamabad Campus
Null and sidelobes adjustment of damaged array using hybrid computing,” in 2012 International Conference on Emerging Technologies

International ,Conference ,IEEE ,
Fawad zaman
Tenured Associate Professor , Electrical Engineering Department,
Islamabad Campus
An application of hybrid computing to estimate jointly the amplitude and direction of arrival with single snapshot

International ,Conference ,IEEE ,
Fawad zaman
Tenured Associate Professor , Electrical Engineering Department,
Islamabad Campus
An application of hybrid differential evolution to 3-d near field source localization,

International ,Conference ,IEEE ,
Fawad zaman
Tenured Associate Professor , Electrical Engineering Department,
Islamabad Campus
An application of hybrid nature inspired computational technique to detect faulty element in array antenna,

International ,Conference ,IEEE ,
Fawad zaman
Tenured Associate Professor , Electrical Engineering Department,
Islamabad Campus
fficient sidelobe suppression by matching beams in two polynomial technique

International ,Conference ,IEEE ,
Fawad zaman
Tenured Associate Professor , Electrical Engineering Department,
Islamabad Campus
Independent null steering by decoupling complex weights,” IEICE Electronics Express

International ,Journal ,IEICE ,
Fawad zaman
Tenured Associate Professor , Electrical Engineering Department,
Islamabad Campus
Real time direction of arrival estimation in noisy environment using particle swarm optimization with single snapshot

International ,Journal ,maxwell Sciences ,
Fawad zaman
Tenured Associate Professor , Electrical Engineering Department,
Islamabad Campus
Joint estimation of amplitude, direction of arrival and range of near field sources using memetic computing

International ,Journal ,PIER ,
Fawad zaman
Tenured Associate Professor , Electrical Engineering Department,
Islamabad Campus
Amplitude and directional of arrival estimation: Comparison between different techniques

International ,Journal ,PIER ,
Fawad zaman
Tenured Associate Professor , Electrical Engineering Department,
Islamabad Campus
Comparison of adaptive beamforming algorithms robust against directional of arrival mismatch,”

International ,Journal ,IST ,
Fawad zaman
Tenured Associate Professor , Electrical Engineering Department,
Islamabad Campus
An application of artificial intelligence for the joint estimation of amplitude and two-dimensional direction of arrival of far field sources using 2-l-shape array

International ,Journal ,Hindawi ,
Fawad zaman
Tenured Associate Professor , Electrical Engineering Department,
Islamabad Campus
Performance analysis of the different null steering techniques in the field of adaptive beamforming,

International ,Journal ,IST ,
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