Research Papers By Author

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 40 items in 3 pages
Syed Tatheer Alam Naqvi
Associate Professor , Department of Biotechnology Department,
Abbottabad Campus
Essential Oil from Tagetes minuta Has Antiquorum Sensing and Antibiofilm Potential against Pseudomonas aeruginosa Strain PAO1

International ,Journal ,ACS ,2023
Syed Tatheer Alam Naqvi
Associate Professor , Department of Biotechnology Department,
Abbottabad Campus
Glycosyl hydrolase from Pseudomonas fluorescens inhibits the biofilm formation of Pseudomonads

International ,Journal ,Elsevier ,2024
Syed Tatheer Alam Naqvi
Associate Professor , Department of Biotechnology Department,
Abbottabad Campus
Higher cadmium and zinc accumulation in parsley (Petroselinum crispum) roots activates its antioxidants defense system

International ,Journal ,Springer ,2023
Syed Tatheer Alam Naqvi
Associate Professor , Department of Biotechnology Department,
Abbottabad Campus
Characterization of alkaline metalloprotease isolated from halophilic bacterium Bacillus cereus and its applications in various industrial processes

International ,Journal ,Brazilian Academy of Sciences ,2023
Syed Tatheer Alam Naqvi
Associate Professor , Department of Biotechnology Department,
Abbottabad Campus
Cyclic guanosine monophosphate improves salt tolerance in Solanum lycopersicum

International ,Journal ,Springer ,2024
Syed Tatheer Alam Naqvi
Associate Professor , Department of Biotechnology Department,
Abbottabad Campus
Biodegradation of monocrotophos by Brucella intermedia Msd2 isolated from cotton plant.

International ,Journal ,Springer ,2023
Syed Tatheer Alam Naqvi
Associate Professor , Department of Biotechnology Department,
Abbottabad Campus
Dimethoate residues in Pakistan and mitigation strategies through microbial degradation. A review

International ,Journal ,Springer ,2022
Syed Tatheer Alam Naqvi
Associate Professor , Department of Biotechnology Department,
Abbottabad Campus
Anti-biofilm activity of plant derived extracts against infectious pathogen-Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1

International ,Journal ,Elsevier ,2020
Syed Tatheer Alam Naqvi
Associate Professor , Department of Biotechnology Department,
Abbottabad Campus
Lead tolerant endophyte Trametes hirsuta improved the growth and lead accumulation in the vegetative parts of Triticum aestivum L

National ,Journal ,Heliyon, Elsevier ,2020
Syed Tatheer Alam Naqvi
Associate Professor , Department of Biotechnology Department,
Abbottabad Campus
Immobilized cells of a novel bacterium increased the degradation of N-methylated carbamates under low temperature conditions.

International ,Journal ,Heliyon Elsevier ,2019
Syed Tatheer Alam Naqvi
Associate Professor , Department of Biotechnology Department,
Abbottabad Campus
Decolorization of azo dyes by a novel aerobic bacterial strain Bacillus cereus strain ROC

International ,Journal ,PLoS One ,2022
Syed Tatheer Alam Naqvi
Associate Professor , Department of Biotechnology Department,
Abbottabad Campus
Evaluation of salt tolerance in Eruca sativa accessions based on morpho-physiological traits.

International ,Journal ,Peer J ,2020
Syed Tatheer Alam Naqvi
Associate Professor , Department of Biotechnology Department,
Abbottabad Campus
"Evaluation and characterization of the predicted diguanylate cyclase-encoding genes in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

International ,Journal ,Wiley ,2020
Syed Tatheer Alam Naqvi
Associate Professor , Department of Biotechnology Department,
Abbottabad Campus
Heterologous expression of the Methyl Carbamate-Degrading hydrolase MCD

International ,Journal ,Elesevier ,2009
Syed Tatheer Alam Naqvi
Associate Professor , Department of Biotechnology Department,
Abbottabad Campus
Biodegradation of carbamates by Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

International ,Journal ,EDIZIONI MINERVA MEDICA ,2013
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