Research Paper Detail

Diffusion and Submonolayer Island Growth During Hyper Thermal Deposition on Cu(100) and Cu(111)

Publisher: Surface Science 598, 246-252 (2005)
Publication Year: 2005

First Author:  M.O. Jahma, M. Rusanen, A. Karim, I.T. Koponen, T. Ala-Nissila, and T.S. Rahman, Second Author: 
Third Author:  Volume: 
Publication #:  Page #:  NULL
Level:   International Type:  Journal
Altaf Karim

Tenured Professor
Physics Department
Islamabad Campus

Profile.. Publications..

Diffusion and Submonolayer Island Growth During Hyper Thermal Deposition on Cu(100) and Cu(111)

Publisher: Surface Science 598, 246-252 (2005)
Publication Year: 2005

First Author:  M.O. Jahma, M. Rusanen, A. Karim, I.T. Koponen, T. Ala-Nissila, and T.S. Rahman, Second Author: 
Third Author:  Volume: 
Publication #:  Page #:  NULL
Level:   International Type:  Journal
Altaf Karim

Tenured Professor
Physics Department
Islamabad Campus

Profile.. Publications..

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