The development of “Pollen Online” database is a part of HEC-NRPU Project titled “Strategic development of baseline protocols to predict climate change impacts on plants and prevalence of associated allergies” at Department of Biosciences, CUI-Islamabad campus. This database will be first data bank from Pakistan, thriving to lead as few databases of its kind in the globe studying intensity of climate change impacts and response magnitude of plant associated pollen allergies. The project is planned to study the distribution of naturally growing plants with possible allergenic potential and studying their pollen morphological changes with climate change (temperature & precipitation)....
Investigation studies on allergenic pollens/plants, Baseline protocol development to predict climate change impacts on Pollenand prevalence of associated diseases in Pakistan, • Database development on Pollenand associated allergic diseases in Pakistan.
This database will be first data bank from Pakistan, thriving to lead as few databases of its kind in the globe studying intensity of climate change impacts and response magnitude of plant associated pollen allergies.
Address Department of Biosciences, COMSATS University Islamabad. Contacts Email: Phone: +92 (0) 51 9049 6130 UAN: +92-51-111-001-007
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