CEU Future of Big Data scholarships Given the Future of Big Data announcement we have also extended the application deadline on our other scholarships: - two full scholarships by NASDAQ OMX Educational Foundation for emerging market students - two 50% scholarships (leaving a tuition of EUR5,000) for students from Greater China by a Hong Kong investment firm, with a possible internship in the firm's Beijing or Hong Kong office. As you know CEU is a U.S. graduate university founded by legendary financier George Soros in 1991 in Budapest. The School has a social mandate of making its programs accessible to emerging market students and is supported by a EUR550m endowment. It is one of the most international schools in the world, with 1,400 students and 370 faculty from 130 countries, alumni in 150 countries, and organized alumni groups in 72 countries. Times Higher Education ranks CEU top 100 in the world in social sciences including business, and #3 in international outlook. QS ranks CEU among the world's best schools in six disciplines, and on par with Northwestern, Carnegie Mellon or Dartmouth in employer reputation. The European Research Council ranks CEU #8 in economics and finance research grants. Should you be able to help please find the scholarship announcement attached and at the links below: https://business.ceu.edu/apply-by-may-31-2016-for-ceu-business-schools-schol arships-for-201617?page=1 https://business.ceu.edu/article-2016-05-05-future-of-big-data-scholarship?p age=2 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/future-big-data-scholarship-training-program- ceu-apply-szilagyi?trk=pulse_spock-articles Web: <http://business.ceu.edu/directory-of-faculty-and-staff/163-Peter-Szilagyi> business.ceu.edu/directory-of-faculty-and-staff/163-Peter-Szilagyi Judge Business School - University of Cambridge Email: <mailto:p.szilagyi@jbs.cam.ac.uk> p.szilagyi@jbs.cam.ac.uk Web: <http://www.jbs.cam.ac.uk/faculty-research/fellows-associates-a-z/peter-g-sz ilagyi/> http://www.jbs.cam.ac.uk/faculty-research/fellows-associates-a-z/peter-g-szi lagyi/ LinkedIn: <http://hu.linkedin.com/in/pgszilagyi> http://hu.linkedin.com/in/pgszilagyi Facebook: <https://www.facebook.com/peter.szilagyi.100> https://www.facebook.com/peter.szilagyi.100 Monday, May 30, 2016