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  • Wednesday, December 13, 2023

  • CUI

  • Student Affairs

  • Tuesday, April 18, 2017

  • CUI

  • Muhammad Waqas Altaf

COMSATS Performing Arts Society of Humanities Department is delighted to announce that our theater play "Hairaan Pakistan" has been adjudged the Best Play among 12 fiercely contested stage plays in the Youth Drama Festival,held from 7 to 12 April 2017 at PNCA Islamabad.

Youth Drama Festival is a regular feature in the array of activities organized by PNCA every year. Our play was in competition with the plays of prominent universities and performing arts clubs from the twin cities.The play was written by Saad Sultan Goraya and directed by Taha Humayun. Along with the Best Play award, the other prizes CIIT   annexed were:

1. Best Set and Stage Management Award.

2. Best Supporting Character (male),Shajee Abbas for his phenomenal performance as boss.

3. Most Interesting Character, Tayyab Khan for his performance as the   vibrant Tom Khan.

The team has worked day and night to put together a play that was a hard-hitting critique on the commercialization of electronic media. The play received tremendous applause from the full house audience and highly appreciated by the Chief Guest, Mr. Syed Jamal Shah, Director PNCA, in his closing address. The comic and grim undertone of the play thoroughly entertained the audience.

News article in The Dawn:

News Article in The Express Tribune:

  • Thursday, September 1, 2016

  • CUI

  • Muhammad Hassan

Call for Participation

Academic Student Associations

are invited to

Harkat (Movement) Festival

Exhibit your achievements and activities in

Science & Technology

24 – 26 September 2016


The Secretariat of the Festival covers all costs for stay in Tehran, stay in Kerman, domestic ticket (Tehran-Kerman) and one-way ticket from your country to Iran. Return ticket to home country could be provided upon request and approval of the festival’s secretariat.

How to apply:

1- Fill the attached registration form

2- Send the registrations to

Deadline for applications: 9 September 2016

For more information visit:

  • Thursday, August 18, 2016

  • CUI

  • Kamran Lashari

Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST) affiliated with the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Iran has announced very prestigious Khwarizmi International Annual Award to recognize outstanding scientific achievements made by Researchers, Inventors and Innovators from all over the world.

This year the award is granted in the fields of Basic sciences, Civil Engineering, Mechanics, Medical Sciences, Electronics and Computer, Mechatronics, Nanotechnology, Aerospace, Industry and Technology Management, Biotechnology and Basic Medical Sciences, Chemical Technology, Materials& Metallurgy, Green Technology, Information Technology, Agriculture, Natural Resources, Animal Sciences, and Veterinary Medicine.

Khwarizmi awards are granted on an annual basis to the researchers having research in Applied, Fundamental, Research & Development and invention & Innovation.

In the said context, the opportunity may kindly be distributed among all faculty members of your Campus with the request to grab the opportunity at its maximum. As the last date to submit the nomination is 10 November, 2015. Hence, submit the prescribed application form along with all required documents to this office till the Monday, 10 October, 2015 through the Director of the concerned Campus for further processing. Thanks.

For more information please visit:

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