Materials of Interest


Ceramics composed of rare-earth elements are studied for the better efficiency as electrolytes of solid oxide fuel cells. Their structural, electrical and thermal properties are studied. Composites of the rare earth materials are also prepared for the energy applications.


Structural, electrical and thermal transport properties of hard and soft nanoferrites are studied for high frequency applications, data storage, and as radiation absorption medium.

Thermoelectric Materials

Thermoelectric (TE) materials are studied for their applications in renewable energy resources. Bismuth based and various cobaltite materials with different dopants are studied structurally, electrically and thermally.


Polymer nanofibers are prepared for their different applications in biological and technological fields. Nanofibers are combined with thermoelectric materials and bio-compatible materials, ferrites to form composites.

Nanofiber composites are studied structurally, electrically and thermally.