It gives me pleasure to address the CIIT alumni, now supposedly settled in the corporate sector and elsewhere. QS Ranking in carried out by an international organization which oversees the Institutes of Higher Learning for the purpose of ranking them on the basis of performance adjudicated on laid down parameters.
One of the parameter of performance evaluation is the feedback from the Employers. For this specific purpose a Performa has been designed by QS, which you will find attached. Accordingly all of you are requested to provide information as per attached Performa, so that the result is truly representative. The importance of this exercise may not be under estimated, as your feedback will play an important role is deciding as to what number we are placed at among the comity of Universities around the world. Therefore I would vehemently request you to please take some time out to fill in the Form and to send it back via RETURM EMAIL.
Please ensure that the Performa is correctly filled-in and no field remains un-filled, unless there is any field which is not applicable to you.
Click here for Form
Iqbal Muzaffar
26th October, 2015