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Rêveuse: FA17- The batch of dreamers - Entering the world to experience their dreams and bring them to reality

Continuing with the traditions of empowering students with the skill and foresight to visualize and achieve their dreams, the Department of Art and Design, COMSATS University Islamabad presents our newest students of session Spring 2021 to pass the academic ranks and go into the practical work to continue their individual journeys.

Bachelor of Design degree, here at CUI remains one of the most rewarding academic mediums that has shown tremendous ability to adopt to the “New Normal” and still provide quality education and learning experiences to our students.

This batch yet again had to face the challenge of online education and thesis presentations but rose to the challenge to answer these difficult circumstances with the creativity and ingenuity that is expected of a student at this institute. This group of 26 students proves that although they exist in a world that is continuously changing and presenting challenges, the human creativity and resilience will always find a way to explore solutions and celebrate its existence.

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