Dr.Attiq Ur Rehman

Reg. #: CIIT/SP16-R66-001/ATD
Phd Graduate #: 566

Thesis Title: Effects of Counterions on Surface Properties of Ionic Surfactants and their Optical and Catalytic Applications
Supervisor: Dr. Asad Muhammad Khan  
Degree Title: Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry

Department: Chemistry  

External Evaluation:

The following experts reviewed the thesis of Dr. Attiq Ur Rehman  and recommended him for the award of PhD degree:

Foreign Examiners

Dr. Azmi Bin Mohammad  

Department of Chemistry,  

Faculty of Science and Mathematics,  

Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris,  

35900 Tanjung Malim, Malaysia 

Xianmin ZHANG, Ph.D. Professor

Key Laboratory for Anisotropy and Texture of Materials, Ministry of Education

Northeastern University of China

No. 3-11, Wenhua Road, Heping District, Shenyang, 110819 P. R. China

Local Examiners

Oral Examination:

 Dr. Attiq Ur Rehman appeared in Oral Examination in front of a panel consisting of 5 members including two external experts namely:
Dr. Mohsin Nawaz Dr. Murad Ali Khan

Other Members of the Panel:


Faculty of Sciences



Department of Chemistry

CUI Abbottabad Campus


Department of Chemistry

CUI Abbottabad Campus


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