Dr.Mubbashar Saddique

Reg. #: CIIT/FA14-PCS-002/LHR
Phd Graduate #: 460

Thesis Title: Robust Video Forgery Detection and Localization using Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Zulfiqar Habib  
Degree Title: Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science

Department: Computer Science  

External Evaluation:

The following experts reviewed the thesis of Dr. Mubbashar Saddique  and recommended him for the award of PhD degree:

Foreign Examiners

Dr. Wu Jigang
School of Computer Science and Technology
Guangdong University of Technology
Guangzhou, P. R. China 510006

Prof. Dr. Ashiq Anjum,                                    

Dept. of Computing and Mathematics,                                             

University of Derby, UK                             

Dr. Fiaz Hussain,                          

Associate Dean,                                  

Cardiff Metropolitan University,                                    

United Kingdom.                           

Local Examiners

Oral Examination:

 Dr. Mubbashar Saddique appeared in Oral Examination in front of a panel consisting of 4 members including two external experts namely:

Dr. Muhammad Aslam


UET Lahore.

Dr. Imtiaz Ahmed TAj


Dean Faculty of Engineering CUST Islamabad.


Other Members of the Panel:

Chairperson (Convener)

Department of Computer Science



Department of Computer Science



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