Dr. M. Farooq Iqbal Buzdar

Incharge Graduate Programs / Assistant Professor Meteorology, CUI Islamabad Campus

Email: farooq_iqbal@comsats.edu.pk
Phone/Ext. #: +92 51 90495380
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Dr. M. Farooq Iqbal Buzdar (HEC Approved PhD Supervisor) is serving as Assistant Professor at the Department of Meteorology, COMSATS University Islamabad (CUI), Islamabad campus Pakistan. He joined the Department of Meteorology as Research Associate in the start of 2009 and was promoted as Lecturer in mid-2009. He has earned PhD in Meteorology with specialization in Remote Sensing and GIS from the Department of Meteorology, CUI, Islamabad Pakistan. His dissertation title was  “Spatiotemporal Assessment of Precipitation for Hydrological Applications over Diverse Topography of Pakistan”. He is the lead scientist of Applied Geo-Informatics Research Lab (AGRL) and is working as a member of Earth and Atmospheric Remote Sensing Lab (EARL). He is currently doing research on applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in the field of Hydro-Meteorology. His research interests are on  applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in different fields including but not limited to Satellite Based Precipitation Assessment; Variabilities, Trends and Teleconnections of Precipitation; Drought Assessment; Oil spills detection using Synthetic Aperture Radar; Earthquakes Precursor Anomalies Assessment; Satellite Based Detection of Volcanic SO2, Monitoring of CO2 and CH4; Spatiotemporal Land Use Land Cover Change analysis and Erosion Risk Mapping; Limestone Exploitation area assessment; Assessment of Urban Sprawl; Climate Variability on Snow Cover; Hydrological Modelling in Changing Climate of Pakistan; Water Resource Modelling of Hill Torrent; Impacts of Climate Change on Flooding; Transboundary runoff assessment using open sources. He is teaching various courses at BS, MS and PhD level including but not limited to Geographic Information System for Health Informatics, Principles of Geographic Information System, Principles of Remote Sensing, Satellite Remote Sensing, Spatial Analysis and Modeling, GIS Customization and Advanced Geo-Statistical Analysis. As for the administration is concerned, he holds the position of Incharge Graduate Programs, Incharge Departmental Admission Committee for Remote Sensing and GIS and working as Convener of Departmental Academic Review Committee (DARC) and Departmental Graduate Admission Committee (DGAC). He has been selected as a Member of Board of Studies (BOS) for the slot of Senior Assistant Professor of the Department of Meteorology, CUI, Islamabad. He is also a member of Departmental Advisory Committee (DAC). He is also the member of different committees including Departmental Admission Committee, Departmental Telescope Committee, Remote Sensing and GIS Lab Committee, Departmental Examination Monitoring Committee, Departmental Time Table and Date Sheet Committee, PhD Comprehensive Examinations Conduct Committee, MS and PhD Synopsis finalization committee, and MS and PhD Viva Voce Examination Conduct Committee. He is the reviewer of various journals and reviewed various manuscripts for following journals.

·         - Atmospheric Research

·         - Environmental Monitoring Assessment

·        - Geocarto International

·         - Geo General

·         - Geofluids

·         - Journal of Sensors

·         - PeerJ Computer Science

·         - Modeling Earth Systems and Environment

Performed BS/MSc/MS/MPhil thesis evaluation (as external examiner) for different universities including Department of Space Sciences, University of Punjab, Lahore, Department of Space Science Institute of Space Technology (IST), Islamabad, Pakistan etc.

Member of Internal Review Panel for Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarships through The Association of Commonwealth Universities

List of MS and PhD students Supervised/Co-Supervised/Supervising:

- Ms. Sidra-Tul-Muntaha (CIIT/FA20-PME-002/ISB)
- Mr. Mohammad Izhar Hussain (CIIT/SP23-PRG-001/ISB)
- Ms. Farzana Kiran (CIIT/FA23-RRG-002/ISB)
- Ms. Hafsa Nasreen (CIIT/FA23-RRG-003/ISB)
- Mr. Adnan Abbas Shah (CIIT/SP23-RRG-001/ISB)
- Ms. Ayesha Naz (CIIT/SP23-RRG-004/ISB)
- Ms. Natasha Neelum (CIIT/FA22-RME-001/ISB)
- Mr. Muhammad Arif (CIIT/FA22-RRG-006/ISB)
- Ms. Madiha Iftikhar Khan (CIIT/SP22-RRG-005/ISB)
- Mr. Arif Rasheed (CIIT/SP22-RRG-001/ISB)
- Ms. Sana Kayani (CIIT/ SP22-RRG-016/ISB)
- Mr. Hamad Mehmood (CIIT/FA21-RRG-005/ISB)
- Mr. Aftab Ahmad (CIIT/SP21-RRG-001/ISB)
- Mr. Muhammad Abid (CIIT/SP21-RRG-007/ISB)
- Mr. Muhammad Umair (CIIT/SP21-RRG-009/ISB)
- Mr. Abdul Basit (CIIT/FA20-RRG-010/ISB)
- Ms. Nayyara Naeem (CIIT/FA20-RRG-007/ISB)
- Mr. Sheikh Muhammad Usman (CIIT/ FA20-RRG-008/ISB)
- Mr. Muhammad Ozair (CIIT/SP20-RRG-004/ISB)
- Mr. Usama Ashraf (CIIT/SP20-RRG-010/ISB)
- Ms. Amatul Baseer (CIIT/FA19-RRG-001/ISB)
- Mr. Tariq ur Rehman (CIIT/SP19-RRG-009/ISB)
- Ms. Syeda Nadia Kiran (CIIT/FA19-RRG-015/ISB)
- Mr. Fakhrul Islam (CIIT/FA19-RRG-020/ISB)
- Ms. Syeda Sehrish Fatima (CIIT/SP19-RRG-008/ISB)
- Mr. Muhammad Arshad (CIIT/FA18-RRG-003/ISB)
- Mr. Muhammad Nawaz (CIIT/SP18-RRG-001/ISB)
- Mr. Haseen Ullah (CIIT/FA17-RRG-004/ISB) 
- Mr. Muhammad Kaleem Ullah (CIIT/FA17-RRG-006/ISB)
- Ms. Saima Naz (FA17-RRG-009/ISB)
- Ms. Wajeeha Niaz (CIIT/FA12-RRG-003/ISB)
- Mr. Umar Jamil (CIIT/FA12-RRG-006/ISB)
- Ms. Sadaf Shaheen (CIIT/FA12-RRG-011/ISB)
- Mr. Iftikhar Ahmad Khan (CIIT/FA10-RRG-002/ISB)
- Mr. Waqas Ahmad Abbasi (CIIT/FA10-RRG-010/ISB) 

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