Dr. Fayyaz Ahmad Faize

Tenured Associate Professor Humanities, CUI Islamabad Campus

Email: fayyazaf@yahoo.com
Phone/Ext. #: 6135/6048
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Fayyaz Ahmad Faize is an Associate Professor in the Humanities Department of COMSATS University Islamabad. His areas of interest are Science Education, Learning and instruction, Educational Psychology, and Higher Education Research. He has over sixty research publications in national and international journals and has presented in over 30 international conferences as a guest speaker. He has availed seven funded research projects including HEC, CRGP, and Pak-CDP. Regarding the uplift and development of the learning and teaching process, he worked on capacity building and professional development of science teachers through SRGP, CRGP, CDO, and NRPU projects. He is an expert reviewer for the HEC CPEC research project, the European Union’s Research and Innovation Programme (Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Action COFUND) for Postdoctoral research, and an expert reviewer for the research programme “ONISILOS” Interdisciplinary and Intersectoral research excellence at the University of Cyprus. He is on the editorial and advisory boards of various national and international journals and is a Research Fellow at INTI International University Malaysia. Currently, he is working on the Nature of Scientific Inquiry and Developing 21st Century Skills, a 3-year project funded by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan under NRPU funding.

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