Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Abdullah is an HEC Approved PhD Supervisor. He recieved his PhD degree in Enterprise Management from Chongqing University. He has over 12 years of teaching and research experience. Dr. Ibrahim has published several papers in Interantional and national journals. Dr. Ibrahim is performing his responsibility as researcher, reviewer and editor for various journals, conferences and books including but not limited to Academy of Management, British Academy of Management, Review of Managerial Science, IEEE, Journal of Environmental Management, Business Process Management Journal, Sustainability, Sage Open, Nursing Inquiry, Journal of Health Psychology, Management Decision, Quality & Quantity, Service Industries Journal etc. Focus of his research has been marketing, strategy, CSR, management, HR and leadership. He has taught courses at different levels from entry level to highest level including Reward Management, Strategic Marketing, Business Policy & Strategy, Strategic Management, International Business, HRM, Leading Effective Teams, Services Marketing, Introduction to Business etc. He is also member of selection boards, board of studies, external examiner, trainer, visiting faculty member in various universities and institutions.
Publons: https://publons.com/researcher/1716277/muhammad-ibrahim-abdullah/
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com.pk/citations?user=HawpJX4AAAAJ&hl=en
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8741-9952
Web of Science ResearcherID AAD-1056-2019