Dr. Tareq Manzoor Ahmad, Tenured Associate Professor

Assistant Professor of Energy Research Center, CUI Lahore Campus

Email: tareqmanzoor@cuilahore.edu.pk
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Personal Information Dr TAREQ MANZOOR is Tenured Associate Professor in Energy Research Center and specialized in the area of advanced materals, energy, thermal science and Computational Solid Mechanics /CFD. His main area is study of mathematical modeling based on Partial differential equations. His area of interest is both numerical and analytical techniques. He also has got experience of utilizing FEA softwares. His current research is focused on Experimental and modeling/simulation of energy and thermo-fluid engineering. https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0003-1719-4449 https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=MJo9LU4AAAAJ&hl=en Tow NRPU projects approved as Co Pi: ID: 14182 , Title, 1. Design and Analysis of high-performance energy efficient optoelectronic devices for Pakistan. ID: 18835, title 2. Development of Micro-texturing machine for enhancing the efficiency of Automotive components. REVIEWER OF INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS Energy, Elsevier. Mechanical Sciences, Copernicus Associate Editor. Mechanics of materials, Elsevier. Transactions of Mechatronics, IEEE. Energy Efficiency, Springer. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Springer. Journal of the European Optical Society-Rapid Publications, Springer. Journal of manufacturing, ASME. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy - Elsevier Research Thesis Supervision: # Student Name Thesis Title MS/PhD Supervisor / Co-Supervisor Status: Registered / Completed 1. Usman Inayat Modeling and Optimization of solar energy systems PhD Co-Supervisor Registered 2. Hassan Modeling and simulation of energy storage devices PhD Co-Supervisor Registered 3. Ali Raza Modeling Reaction Diffusion Equation for Thermal System MS Supervisor Completed 4. Tariq Javed Thermo-physical characterization of cu/zn ferrite nanoparticles for industial applications MS Supervisor Completed 5. Umar Farooq Numerical Analysis of Conjugate heat transfer system MS Supervisor Completed 6. Uzair Siddiqui CFD Analysis of exhaust system of diesel engine MS Supervisor Submitted for approval 7. Shaheen Ahmad CFD Analysis of flow in porous in media’. MS Supervisor Submitted for approval 8. Kafayat Ullah Characterization of nanocomposites MS Supervisor Submitted for approval Some of Short Courses/CPD conducted Thermal Ssytem design An Integrated Approach for Prospect Evaluation/Generation. Quality control modules for modern Industry. Advanced Finite Element Analysis. Non Linear Finite Element Analysis. Advance Structural Design and Analysis. Advance Heat Transfer.

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