am an academician and researcher with over 10 years of experience in research and
academics. I am currently an Assistant Professor at COMSATS University
Islamabad, Pakistan and the Senior Software Analyst at Visual Computing
Technologies, Islamabad, Pakistan.
I received my Ph.D.
degree in electrical engineering from Lancaster University, Lancaster, UK in
2016. Prior to that, I received an MSc in Information Technology and Automation
Systems from the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences, Stuttgart, Germany
and a BSc in Computer Engineering from Sir Syed University of Engineering and
Technology, Karachi, Pakistan.
My current area of
interest is the application of neural networks and machine learning in image
processing and medical imaging. The broader area of my research interest includes
incorporating smart features in microsystem systems and sensors, including
self-diagnosis, prognosis, and self-repair; the development of hardware level
image processing and machine learning solutions inference using resource
constrained platforms.