Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sharif

Professor Computer Science, CUI Wah Campus

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Muhammad Sharif, PhD (IEEE Senior Member) is Associate Professor at COMSATS University Islamabad, Wah Campus Pakistan. He has worked one year in Alpha Soft UK based software house in 1995. He is OCP in Developer Track. He is in teaching profession since 1996 to date. His research interests are Medical Imaging, Biometrics, Computer Vision, Machine Learning and Agriculture Plants. He is being awarded with COMSATS Research Productivity Award since 2011-2017. He served in TPC for IEEE FIT 2014-19 and currently serving as Associate Editor for IEEE Access, Guest Editor of Special Issues, and reviewer for well reputed journals. He also headed Department of Computer Science, COMSATS university Islamabad, Wah Campus from 2008 to 2011 and achieved the targeted outputs. He has more than 240+ research publications in IF, SCI, and ISI journals as well as in national and international conferences with 350+ Impact Factor. He has supervised 05 PhD (CS) and 70+ MS (CS) theses to date and currently Supervising 05 PhD Students and co-supervisor of 10 PhDs. He also evaluated 4 PhD and 45+ MS theses of different reputable universities. More than 300 undergraduate students have successfully completed their degree project work under his supervision. He is co-author of three book chapters.

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