Dr. Shahzad Saleem

Associate Professor Bio Science, CUI Sahiwal Campus

Email: shahzadsaleem@cuisahiwal.edu.pk
Phone/Ext. #: 0092404305001 ext 161
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Dr. Shahzad Saleem has completed his PhD degree in Agriculture Entomology from University of Agriculture Faisalabad. He was awarded indigenous PhD scholarship for research at home university while International research support initiative grant for research at Purdue University USA by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. He is now working as Assistant Professor at Department of Bio Sciences, COMSATS University Islamabad, Sahiwal, Pakistan. He has published several research articles in reputed journals. He has supervised many MSc students along with managerial, academics and research and teaching responsibilities. He has completed a research project funded by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (SRGP) while recently awarded with a 5.4 Million worth project titled "Evaluation of phosphine resistance and coping it with alternative stored product protection (VASPP) technology under NRPU.

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