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Alumni Profile

First NameSajid
Last NameUmar
Registration Date3/11/2019 11:48:10 AM
Registration #FA05/MS(CS)/012/WAH
Year of Admission2005
Passing Session2008
AboutI have been working as a Senior Programme Associate in United Nations Educational Scientific and Culture organization (UNESCO) since 2015. I have been involved in analyzation and preparation of programme work plans including Girls’ Right to Education Programme in Pakistan funded by different donors including Government of Pakistan, Korea International Cooperation Agency, Italian agency for development cooperation and Educate a child, Doha Qatar. These projects are of worth USD 18.4 million and I am managing all funds. Apart from this being a key team member, I have been involved for operational and financial closure of the contracts with the implementing partners. Prior to this, I use to work as a technical specialist web for UNESCO and maintain all project websites including official website of UNESCO Islamabad office.