
Our Story

Turnitin – A Source to Detect Plagiarism

Turnitin is an Internet-based plagiarism-detection service utilized by teachers and students to avoid plagiarism and ensure academic integrity. With more than 90,000 journals/periodicals, books and 150 million archived student papers; Turnitin is being used by 10,000 educational institutions of 126 countries of the world.

Turnitin helps students and instructors review matches between the submitted work and internet sources. The software can scan citations, quotations, and bibliographic material to determine an overall similarity percentage. HEC is encouraging universities and institutions to use Turnitin to check assignments, papers and reports to ensure the quality of research.

HEC as part of its efforts to improve the quality of research has provided this plagiarism detection software to more than 60 public sector universities in order to check research papers, theses, and reports.

CUI, as a result of these efforts by HEC, has this extremely useful plagiarism detection software. As per the policy, CUI is offering faculty members,advisors to get access of Turnitin so that it can be used to maximum level, which is the ultimate goal of HEC as far as plagiarism detection is concerned.

Who is Eligible to Get Turnitin Account?

According to the policy of CUI, each faculty member and advisors are eligible to get Turnitin access.

How to get Turnitin Access/Account?

Interested eligible users needs to follow following steps to get a temporary Turnitin Account

  1. Download Turnitin Form from the downloads section of the CUI, Islamabad Campus Library Web-portal or by clicking here
  2. Submit the filled form to concerned library staff
  3. Library staff after creating temporary username and password will communicate all the details of Turnitin account with the interested eligible user.

Submission Guidelines for Turnitin

To upload a single file on Turnitin to check plagiarism, please keep in view the following instructions:

  • File must be less than 20 MB
  • The maximum paper length is 400 pages.
  • File Types allowed: MS Word, WordPerfect, PostScript, PDF, HTML, RTF and plain text.

How to use Turnitin

Library Information Services has developed a User Guide explaining every step with necessary screen shots, which will help Turnitin users to upload papers and check reports. This User Guide can be downloaded from the “User Guides/Manuals” section of CUI, Islmabad Campus Library Web-portal or by clicking here

Know Everything about Plagiarism

To get more information about Plagiarism and know answers of the following questions, you can visit CUI Thesis Repository.

What plagiarism is?
How to avoid it?
How you can check the originality of your work?
What is HEC plagiarism policy?
Which software and solution are being used for detection/prevention of plagiarism?

Useful Documents

Turnitin User Guide

Please click here to download the User Guide developed by Library Information Services for the use of Turnitin.

Guidelines on ‘Ethics of Using Turnitin’ for Administrators and Instructors

Please click here to download the HEC Policy Guidelines on “Ethics of Using Turnitin” for Administrator and Instructors

HEC Standard Operating Procedure for Plagiarism Cases

Please click here to download HEC Standard Operating Procedures for Plagiarism Cases

HEC Plagiarism Policy

Please click here to download HEC policy on Plagiarism



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COMSATS University Islamabad, Park Road,
Tarlai Kalan, Islamabad 45550, Pakistan
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